Are You Getting Enough Protein On Your Plant-Based Diet?

Grab this FREE GUIDE to learn all about protein, how much you need, how to get all the amino acids each day and includes the top 15 BEST sources of plant-based protein.

PLUS, you'll also be registered for the FREE Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp 5-day challenge, where you'll learn how to get started eating a healthy plant-based diet to support your health & weight goals!

Enter your email below to get the free guide + challenge access!

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By entering your information here, you are agreeing to receive messages from Simply Plant Based Kitchen. Your email address will NEVER be shared or sold. You are always free to easily unsubscribe at any time.

Are You Getting Enough Protein On Your Plant-Based Diet?

Grab this FREE GUIDE to learn all about protein, how much you need, and how to get all the amino acids each day. It includes my top 15 BEST sources of plant-based protein from whole, unprocessed foods to help you make sure your diet isn't deficient.

PLUS, you'll also be registered for the FREE Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp 5-day challenge, where you'll learn how to get started eating a healthy plant-based diet and put it into action to support your health & weight goals!

Enter your email below to get the free guide + challenge access!

No spam. Ever. You can unsubscribe anytime.

By entering your information here, you are agreeing to receive messages from Simply Plant Based Kitchen. Your email address will NEVER be shared or sold. You are always free to easily unsubscribe at any time.

***Replays available each day if you can't join live.


Watch this short video from Kim:


What Americans eat is making us sick on a staggering scale

Between fast food joints on every corner and grocery shelves stuffed with processed foods  – making healthy food choices in America isn’t easy. 

Unfortunately, poor diets are dangerous to your health and even deadly.

The Standard American Diet is killing us faster than we can imagine…

Almost half of all American adults are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses due to poor diet.

And 45% of US deaths from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and obesity are linked to the diet…

Among the dietary elements driving these alarming statistics, excessive sodium intake, low consumption of nuts/seeds, high consumption of processed meats, insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits, and excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages stand out as significant contributors.

This is exactly what the Standard American Diet(SAD) contains and what over 90% of Americans eat daily.

The SAD involves eating a diet high in processed meats, red meat, dairy, refined grains, sodium, sugar, and packaged foods filled with artificial flavors/colors.

And low in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and legumes...

What’s worse is that…

About 678,000 Americans die each year from chronic food illness. That toll is higher than all our combat deaths in every war in American history – combined.

Shocking right?

There are more deaths every year from our food than all our combat deaths in every war in American history.

Multiple evidence suggests that processed foods, red meat, and the standard American diet (SAD) are major contributors to these alarming statistics.

Numerous studies have linked red meat consumption to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes.

The World Health Organization has also classified red meat as a Group 2A carcinogen, which means that there is strong evidence that it can cause cancer…

And processed meats are classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, right next to asbestos & cigarettes.

Choosing to ignore the risks posed by a food classified as a carcinogen by reputable health organizations is like playing Russian roulette with your health...

Your diet is the reason why you’re getting sicker and weaker every day

You can feel fine and healthy one day…

Then suddenly…

BAM! – you get sent to the hospital emergency room out of nowhere because your blood sugar levels are either too high or too low.

Or… you could get hit with a heart attack or a stroke that cripples you for the rest of your life.

It could even be more terrible news from your doctor telling you:

“Unfortunately, we've discovered tumors in this area of your body, and the situation is quite concerning and poses a significant risk to your health”.

The truth is, many of these life-threatening diseases are entirely preventable…

You can significantly reduce your risk and even possibly reverse chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer by making simple yet profound changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Switching to a healthy diet can be a game-changer for your health…


There are more FAD DIETS than you can count on two hands…

And everyone seems to have an opinion on which diet is best.

While these diets may seem tempting…

Many of them lack scientific evidence to support their claims and can even be harmful to your health in the long run…

Your health is too precious to gamble with…

Rather than chasing after fad diets that offer false promises…

You need to adopt a balanced, evidence-based approach to nutrition that prioritizes your long-term health and well-being.

Multiple studies have confirmed that the diet that can reverse the damage done to your body by your environment and the standard American diet is the whole food plant-based diet.

A whole food plant-based diet focuses on consuming a variety of natural, plant foods and minimizes processed ingredients and animal products.

This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds while minimizing or eliminating animal products and highly processed foods.

Research published in journals like The Lancet and The Journal of the American College of Cardiology has shown that this diet can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar control, and even reverse heart disease. 

But here's the catch….

If done wrongly, you won't experience any positive impact on your health

In fact, you’ll continue to feel the same way you did before—tired, foggy, and susceptible to chronic illnesses.

And you might NOT be better off than people who still eat unhealthy diets, like the standard American diet.

So, if you want to start this transformative journey the right way, you must get the correct guidance.

That's where Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp comes in.

In this 5-day challenge, you'll uncover hidden scientific protocols and secrets of a plant-based diet that you won't find anywhere else…

You’ll also discover that….

Nature, if given the opportunity is always the greatest healer

It doesn’t matter if you've had a lifetime of bad habits like an unhealthy diet...

As long as you’re willing to receive the information in “Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp” and apply it in your daily life…

You’ll experience a massive turnaround in your health and well-being… 

All you need to do is take the first step and register for this life-changing event today!

And when you register…

For 5 days, you'll participate in live, interactive masterclasses where we will guide you through how a whole food plant-based diet can transform your health. 

You'll learn the science behind how plant-based nutrition can prevent and reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity.

Each day also features a cooking session where you'll learn how to prepare delicious, plant-based meals with simple ingredients you can find at most any grocery store (you can even cook along with us).

You’ll also be able to connect with a community of like-minded individuals on the same journey as you. Share experiences, tips, and encouragement to stay motivated and inspired.

Plus, you’ll discover one crucial mistake you can make when eating a plant-based diet that can deteriorate your health almost as fast as the Standard American Diet.

Click the button to register for free and learn how to prevent and even reverse many chronic diseases:

What You Will Learn Each Day of This Exclusive 5-day Challenge

Day 1

MASTERCLASS: How Animal Foods Are Doing More Harm Than Good

  • How dairy, often promoted as essential for strong bones, might be making your bones weaker.
  • The unexpected link between animal protein and IGF-1: The growth factor responsible for the growth of cancer cells. 
  • Why fish oil supplements might not be protecting you from stroke, heart attack, or dementia as much as you think and what to use instead.
  • Why the food promoted as "incredible" is a cholesterol bomb that increases your bad cholesterol level.
  • Why is cheese so addictive? Discover the protein in dairy that breaks down into compounds similar to morphine, making it hard to quit.
  • A “pro-inflammatory” nutrient found only in animal food that’s silently clogging your arteries
  • How animal hormones are leaching into their byproduct and wreaking havoc on your health and well-being. A cow's hormones could end up in your cheese, butter, and beef.

COOKING DEMO: Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Day 2

MASTERCLASS: The Processing of America - The Problem with Processed Foods

  • How a single meal can triple your risk of cognitive decline and what you can do to protect your brain.
  • Big Food's secrets exposed: Why 70% of the sodium in the American diet comes from unexpected sources and how it could be silently harming your health​. Plus, you will learn how to use the “one-to-one” ratio trick to cut your sodium intake dramatically without sacrificing flavor​.
  • Meet the experts whose job it is to make sure you can't resist that bag of chips that light your brain up like the 4th of July.
  • The “filler” ingredients? Learn how to read food labels like a pro to avoid hidden dangers in processed/packaged foods.
  • Are these new vegan alternatives really healthier? 100% vegan might not mean it’s healthy for you. 
  • The shocking relationship between this ingredient and endless hunger: The root cause that’s driving you to overeat and gain weight​.

COOKING DEMO: Vegan Sweet Potato Black Bean Quesadillas

Day 3

MASTERCLASS: Which Is The Best Plant-Based Diet For Health And Weight Loss?

  • Not all plant-based diets are equal and you might even gain weight and make your health worse if you do it wrong.
  • How to slash Alzheimer's risk by 53%, reduce the risk of severe illness by 73% through enhanced immunity, and actually lengthen your telomeres, which slows down the aging process.
  • Better than Ozempic? How to lose weight without being hungry, not feel deprived, reduce overeating urges, and regulate your blood sugar.
  • Type 2 diabetes myth busted: how the right carbs can actually help you reverse insulin resistance and get off your medications.
  • What to feed your good gut bacteria, which is essential for producing serotonin and dopamine, supporting your immune system, and reducing inflammation.
  • 95% of Americans are deficient in this nutrient, which is responsible for reducing the risk of various cancers.

COOKING DEMO: Mediterranean Crispy Falafel Bowl with Creamy Vegan Greek Dressing

Day 4

How To Power Your Day With Whole Plants To Get All The Nutrients You Need

  • How including 20% more of this vegetable can reduce your risk of cancer by 40%!
  • One small serving of this superfood a day, about the size of your thumb, has shown a 64% decrease in the risk of breast cancer. Pairing it with this tea showed an 89% decrease in breast cancer.
  • Cutting out dairy and animal foods means sacrificing calcium, right? WRONG! Find out 3 veggies filled with calcium that are better absorbed than dairy.
  • These 4 minimally processed foods filled with proteins linked to cancer risk reduction and improved bone health should always be on your plate.
  • One serving of this food five days a week can improve your brain and heart health. Studies showed they lived 2–3 years longer and reduced their risk of heart disease by HALF!
  • Does soy cause cancer or prevent it? Find out the truth about soy and whether you should or shouldn't include this food in your diet, especially if you have had or are at high risk for breast cancer.

COOKING DEMO: Creamy Vegan Sour Cream “Chicken” Enchiladas Verde

Day 5

How To Make Plant-Based Eating A Lifestyle And Not Another Yo-Yo Diet

  • How to make plant-based eating a lifestyle – this isn't just another diet; it's a life-changing journey!
  • Discover what the "pleasure trap" is, how it affects your cravings for unhealthy foods, and how you can protect yourself from falling into this dangerous trap.
  • How to create a flexible meal plan that works for you and your family.
  • How to easily transition to a plant-based lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed.
  • What to do when life gets in the way and you "fall off the wagon."
  • How to have the right mindset and how that can impact your success for the longterm.
  • Bid farewell to mealtime stress with these efficient meal-planning strategies designed to save you time and money.

COOKING DEMO: 5-Minute Vegan Banana Bread Mug Cake

As seen on...

Meet Your Host

Kim Murphy is a Certified Plant-Based Health Coach and the founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen, whose mission is to help you make whole food, plant-based eating simple, easy, and delicious to take control of your health. 

She is also an Amazon Best-Selling Author of her book, Plant Powered. 

Her journey to health and wellness began after losing her dad to Alzheimer's and heart disease. 

Determined to avoid the same fate, she took her health into her own hands.

After adopting a whole food plant-based diet, she lost 20 pounds and 17 inches and has kept it off for over 5 years.

More importantly, she got rid of brain fog and joint pain, lowered her cholesterol and blood pressure, increased her energy, improved her mood, and now feels 10 years younger.

She has coached thousands of clients to make dramatic improvements in their health through programs like Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp.

Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp will help you make food the foundation of your health

Because can we really trust our health care system?

Think about it… Do those who make money from our pain & chronic diseases always have our best interests at heart?

It's really become a sick-care system.

Because after all, when our pain & illness stops, they stop making money! 

Treating our pain and suffering is BIG business —one that, more often than not...puts profits before patients. 

No wonder there’s so much misinformation and out-and-out lies out there!  

This is why you need to secure your access to the Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp.

So you can GET ANSWERS TO CRITICAL QUESTIONS about your health and well-being that conventional medicine has ignored...

The Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp is not just about you; it’s also about your family and the world at large.

So if you have someone in your life—a relative, friend, or colleague—who could benefit from the information in this exclusive event, don’t hesitate to share it with them. 

Everyone deserves to be informed with credible and actionable steps to take charge of their health.

You’ll leave every masterclass and cooking demo inspired, informed, and hopeful for yourself, your family, and the world.

What previous bootcamp members said:

“This way of eating has gotten me off all 3 prescribed medications and I lost 30 pounds, never going back!" - Mona

“Simply choosing a plant-based diet doesn't mean giving up anything! all of these recipes so far have been outstanding, and I feel like I am the one being treated and I'm not missing what the rest of the family is eating. Thank you, Kim Murphy, for opening my eyes to this new lifestyle." - Janet Lynn

“Your classes and recipes have inspired me to move into a much more vegan lifestyle. I want to lose 35 pounds, which has negatively impacted my blood pressure, It is only high and normal now, but that's too high; I was always 120 over 80 like clockwork. You've I shown me how I've been "eating healthy", but have been working against myself. I am lucky that I don't have any diseases, haven't been sick in bed for decades, take no pharmaceuticals, am 81, but I can do better than I do. So I'm jumping in." - Lauren S.

“I did the Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp!! Learned loads while having fun and engaging in the community. Also brought my mom along for the ride, and we've been having great conversations surrounding food and health." - Erica Deel

“Thank you so much! I love the concise, clear way that Kim presents this information. I have followed Caldwell Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, John McDougall, John and Ocean Robbins, Chef AJ and other whole food, plant-based heroes for many years, so I know the message. But Kim has really made it into such a nice thorough, but concise presentation. Kudos to her! I’m sure these presentations represent many hours of study and condensation of the message." - Christine Simpson Bayne

“You really did an awesome job putting together everything for this bootcamp. I've learned from other nutrition summits I've listened to, but you were concise and to the point (contrary to some summits that are long and take so much time to absorb. Fantastic job!" - Nicole

“The most eye-opening things for me have been all the different percentages that are associated with the science behind a WFPB lifestyle and how it affects our health. I have taken sooooo many notes even using the backs of some of the pages!" - Phillip Basham

“I am learning so much! My husband recently had a stint put in & we really want to change our eating habits. This is such a blessing for me to learn what to do. So helpful, you are a great teacher! Thanks for making a difference!" - Joyce

“The biggest thing I learned about this way of eating is that you don't have to count your calories. To quote Kim from the session this morning, "Eat when you are hungry!" - Kristen Gramigna

“What was eye-opening for me is there is a difference between being vegan and being on a WFPB plan. I thought they were synonymous. My whole thought process has been rocked today. This seminar was a light bulb moment for me. I need to think WFPB for my new lifestyle!" - Sharon Kelley

“Science is amazing. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a little over a year ago, and I'm on insulin and metformin. So tired of taking meds! And I'm not able to lose weight. Today was a wonderful aha moment; that it's the FAT and not sugar that is the cause of diabetes. So here's to eliminating all fat from my diet and eating more FRUITS and veggies! Yummy! Thank you Kim!" - Linda Pearcy

“I've been doing the bootcamp all week and got two of my girlfriends who are new to WFPB to join me. They are loving it!" - Michelle Harvick-Quinn

Here's what's included with this FREE challenge:

  • Live challenge access October 28 - November 1
  • 5 LIVE Masterclasses to learn the evidence-based science on how to eat a healthy plant-based diet to have your best health & weight.
  • 5 LIVE Cooking Demos to learn how easy it can be to cook healthy & delicious plant-based meals.
  • Daily Class Replays to class recordings in case you can't join live.
  • 5 Cooking Demo Recipes (Apple Pie Overnight Oats, Vegan Sweet Potato Black Bean Quesadillas, Mediterranean Crispy Falafel Bowl with Creamy Vegan Greek Dressing, Creamy Vegan Sour Cream “Chicken” Enchiladas Verde, and 5-Minute Vegan Banana Bread Mug Cake)
  • Easy & fun daily challenge assignments to apply what you're learning right away.
  • Access to Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp Private Facebook Group to connect and share with others on the same journey.
  • Over $2,900 in prize giveaways so it pays to participate!
  • Challenge Workbook to help you take notes & remember what you're learning.


When is the challenge happening?

The challenge will run from October 28 to November 1. There will be a live teaching class at 10am Central Time each day and a live cooking demo at 1pm Central Time each day. The private Facebook community will be open until November 4th.

Do I need to have Facebook to participate?

No, since the live sessions are taking place via Zoom links emailed out, you do not need to have Facebook to participate in this challenge. However, there will be exclusive events & giveaways only accessible in the Facebook group, along with lots of other participants you can connect with who are on the same journey, so we highly encourage you to join us in the Facebook community as well as the live teaching.

What will I learn during the challenge?

You will learn the science behind how a whole-food, plant-based diet can prevent and reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity.

Each day also features a cooking session where you'll learn how to prepare delicious, plant-based meals.

Is this challenge suitable for beginners?

Yes, this challenge is designed for individuals at all levels, whether you are new to plant-based eating or looking to deepen your understanding and skills.

Are the presentations live?

Yes! All the teaching and cooking demos are presented live on Zoom. Cameras will not be "on" so no one can see you. You will be able to chat with other attendees and the instructor.

What if I can't make it live?

The recordings will be posted each day in the Facebook group & replay links emailed out. You will have access to these recordings through the end of the challenge.

Can I cook along during the cooking sessions?

You are welcome to cook with us during the live cooking demos. We will provide recipes and ingredient lists in advance so you can be prepared.

Can I find all the ingredients in a normal grocery store?

Yes, almost all the ingredients can be found in normal grocery stores like Walmart, Kroger, H.E.B., Safeway, Whole Foods and Amazon.

Will there be an opportunity to ask questions during the sessions?

Yes, there will be opportunities to ask questions during the live sessions. You can use the chat function in Zoom to interact with the instructor and other participants.

Don't wait until it's too late! Click the button below to join the Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp Challenge TODAY to take control of your health destiny with the power of plants!
