If you have any trouble email us at hello@simplyplantbasedkitchen.com.
This is where all the fun will be during our challenge, where you can connect with others, post your daily challenge assignment, and learn even more! Join the FB group & introduce yourself!
Make sure to answer the questions when you request to join, and type the email address that you used to register for this challenge so that we can verify your membership.
Click here to request to join the Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp Facebook Group.
BTW, if you've done this challenge in the past, this is a NEW Facebook group so make sure to re-join.
Challenge Dates - Monday, October 28th - November 1st
Click here to subscribe to the Bootcamp Google Calendar
Zoom Links for all sessions will be emailed out & posted in the FB group.
Download your Challenge Workbook HERE
(The workbook is where you can follow along with the masterclass, get recipes, take notes, and keep track of daily assignments)
Got a friend or family member who might be interested in joining? It's always more fun to have a friend as an accountability partner!
Invite them to join you, and you can do this challenge TOGETHER!
Feel free to share this link on social media or with anyone you'd like to bring along for the fun - plantbasedbeginnersbootcamp.com/join